It has been really difficult to Keep all the art making that has been coming and going straight for the last couple months. I haven’t had a whole lot of commissions but on May 27th 2021 I dislocated my shoulder and that put a huge crimp in my working abilities.
( The “how” is in the Postscript ;P)
I had to practice working with my left hand. I did actually start getting better.
As soon as I could I started working out little stretches of making stuff again. It was a bitch.
I first finished the “Moody Sisters Rationing Parlor” I plan to send these out as cards someday soon. I bought the stamps, I just need to get the printing done.

And then More D&D stuff. A whole set for the Buried Library. It’s been played, it’s great, it’s fun, it’s also coming to patreon soon, it’s also backed up in the whirlwinds of attention deficits that publishing crap always seems to get stormed into. Here are some bits and pieces:

More Player Handout Maps for D&D. This game has also involved a lot of unexpected writing recently.

A mural Project Design that “wasn’t what they were looking for” :(

And this whole time I’m taking some online training for doing online teaching. Which was much harder than I had guessed it would be. One project let you do an infographic so I did a cartoon.

Probably the best thing I’ve done in the last couple months has been finishing the Imagine RPG Book Cover. It’s pretty loud, probably could have used more cools.

Also a Map of Lake Superior for an upcoming DCC Umerica thing

Below is another map that’s been populated and used. It’s a half finished hobbit hole. During the digging the diggers broke through to the dungeon of an old castle that sits on the top of the hill above it. It had been sealed up for good reasons. The most amazing ghost encounter happened here. I can probably make this available on patreon if anyone is interested.

“Delta Variant” The name and cover of my techno album

I've been toying around with some more 3d modeling, specifically for maps. I like hand drawn stuff way better. I haven't used any of these in a game yet. Maybe I’m just being selfish because with the hand drawn maps you can tell they were made by me, whereas these could be made by anyone. I might use them someday though.

Drawing some Clouds. More where that came from.

A Place. If you have been there you know where it is.

Below are a couple more Umerica pieces. I started them first as Oil Paintings and then did the editing. I plan on using that technique more for the future. I like the results and I am trying to apply color to the physical paintings little by little after the fact. When I finish those they will look quite different and I will show them.

By the middle-end of July my shoulder had healed enough (Thanks to acupuncture and physical therapy) That I started to gain a little momentum.
I’ve also been teaching 2 classes and the kids have been bouncing off the walls.
Started reading the last book in the chronicles of Narnia to them on Instagram. It’s not a regular thing right now, for whatever reason, but you can usually catch us at about 9 pm for that.
Here is a farmhouse map I’m proud of. I’ll try to make this one available soon.
Here it is as it stands right now “In game”
It’s quite populated. There was a serious “Town Hall” Meeting that went down...It’s a long story.
Also I have declared at least one day of the week “oil painting day”. It usually lands on Thursday. That has been good. I haven’t done a whole lot, but a lot more than if I hadn’t made the declaration.
Here are some I’ve finished more or less...And there are many more I have finished less…

This piece I finished. I had been working on it for a while.

My shoulder is pretty well healed now, I couldn't throw a football or reel in a fighting 50 pounder or anything like that, but I can make stuff without a whole lot of pain. Sleeping is still less than restful and I’m finding the pain is worse upon waking up, and it also still gets a bit crunchy after hours and hours of painting or mousing, but it’s getting better!
I think that’s about it- other than working on, but haven’t yet finished a lot of other things.- And just like when you're packing up to go somewhere, I’m sure I forgot something.
Starting August’s Art Roundup right after I publish this so I don’t get behind.
Thanks for your interest. If you need art, let me know, If you need one of the paintings you have seen here, let me know. If you are interested in anything else or have ideas for me let me know.
Thanks again!
PS: (I was skateboard “sidewalk- surfing” with the dog if you must know. I wasn’t on the board properly when the dog lunged. I fell really hard forward - able to keep my head up and off the ground (could have been so much worse) but as the dog lunged - POP goes the arm! It was hanging and I couldn't stand upright, luckily it happened only a block from the firestation. It was out of socket for several hours. It was my first (hopefully last!) ambulance ride and they needed to knock me out to put it back in the socket. We still haven't received all the medical bills yet (WooHoo American medical extortion system). It was pretty bad and I have been in severe to moderate pain ever since. Actually I have to stop typing for a while now…)